Another beautiful day. The only thing that happened in the morning was a City of St. Louis Mechanical Inspector showed up to inspect our Mini-Split heat pump. The gentleman explained to me that the HVAC contractor did not get a permit for installation of that system. I explained to him that the heat pump system was going to be installed in the room addition, which has yet to be built. I told him that the contractor had installed our new hot water system, but not the heat pump. He said "OK, sorry" and departed. I thought that was a little strange, but it was to get even stranger later.
I had almost given up on anyone showing up to take advantage of the perfect weather when "Bobcat" Tom and "Our" Mike showed up after 2:00 pm. Tom got after moving dirt around and filling in the foundation trenches. T and Mike chatted about the Red Barn Antiques in Hermann, MO. Mike's cousin is the proprietor and T and I visited it this past weekend.
Tom did as much as he could without having the garage downspout laterals re-installed. Mike said that Jackhammer John (part of Mark's crew, inside plumbing) would be out first thing in the morning to do that work. John actually showed up later and also said he would be working in the basement running plumbing lines through the main house foundation.

As things were wrapping up for the day, the City Mechanical Inspector returned. He asked to see the new hot water system. I took him down to the basement and he looked it over. He first noted that they had not installed a non-return valve on the incoming water line and this was a fatal flaw. Later he reversed himself and said that, since this was only a domestic water heater (not a "combo" system which would also be used for space heating), a non-return valve was not required. He repeated asked who installed the water heater and I consistently named the contractor. After making several calls and consulting some City web site, he concluded that this contractor not only did not have a permit to make this installation, but they also did not have a license to work in the City.
Oooops! I told him that I thought he was probably wrong and that he needed to talk to "Our" Mike. The Inspector told me that I will be receiving a letter from the City informing that we have illegally installed system. I responded: "Great, let's go talk with Mike".
We found Mike in the backyard and the Inspector told Mike the same thing, that the contractor was not licensed and there was no permit. Mike told him that he thought he was probably wrong, but he would get with the contractor (Frank, HVAC) and get it straightened out. The Inspector told Mike he had the choice of the contractor immediately getting a license or finding a new (licensed) contractor. Having done his duty, the Inspector departed, again.
Mike assured me that he would get it straightened out with Frank, who is having surgery done this week. All I know is that, as the property owners, we are responsible. I was telling T this evening that perhaps we need to require all of the contractors to provide copies of their City licenses and permits to us before they begin their work. I will discuss this with Mike. I know he has his license (he complained about the time it took to get it), although I have not actually seen it.
Mike also confirmed that he had talked with both Betsy (solar) and Bob (landscaping) yesterday. He said he planned to meet with Bob next week. As for the discussion with Betsy, Mike told me that Betsy revealed to him that their installation coordinator (Drew) was leaving the firm and that could potentially create some problems. Mike said that he hoped they could get the installation plan worked out prior to Drew's departure. Mike also indicated that he had convinced Betsy that he was capable of installing the inverter rack posts "perfectly vertical", once the location of those posts have been identified. I reminded Mike of my request that, once he and Rob (electrical) and Drew decide where the rack will be spotted on the slab and the size of that rack, we want an opportunity to review and approve that decision.
Looking forward to having a level backyard by the end of the day tomorrow. Latest forecast is for fair weather through the weekend, with a slight chance of rain after Monday.