We left for a three week cruise on April 2. Today, we are on the Seabourn Odyssey, 12 days into our 14 day cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Barcelona. We should be sailing through the Straits of Gibraltar tomorrow. In Barcelona, we board the Oceania Riviera for another 10 day cruise before spending a few days in Athens. Then back to Houston before heading home.
Atlantic between Madeira and Portugal |
Before we left town, John promised us they would continue working on the back yard and definitely would have EVERYTHING completely and perfectly finished before we return in mid-May. He also promised to send pictures of their progress.
About a week ago, after not hearing anything from John, I sent him a note asking about progress and the pictures he promised to send. A couple of days later, I got a response implying they had found another hole in the upper part of the pond and he would send pictures as soon as he found someone to show him how to do so.
I hope he will keeps his promises this time. By the time we get home, we will be over six months past the originally promised completion date for the landscaping work.