Over seven weeks ago, on January 26, I started many seedlings inside. Some have done well and some have gone nowhere. It will be another three or four weeks before considering putting outside.
Less than a week ago, I started my okra seeds. They already have started to sprout. These were seeds I harvested from my plants last Fall.
Okra |
At the same time, I took a cutting from the Brugmansia and have it in a vase of water. It supposedly will root out and I can take it down to Houston in May.
Brugmansia |
The three varieties of peppers (Jalapeno, Santaka and Peppadew) are all doing well.
r to l: Jalapeno, Peppadew, Santaka |
The kale is doing OK and there is a little growth of Pansy, but none for the Viola or leeks. Although, the leaks we planted in the west raised beds are showing new growth for the third year.
Then there are the ones that have not shown any activity.
Artichokes |
Dawn Redwood, Sweet Pepper, Leeks |