A few days ago, I noticed one of my favorite hostas (‘Sagae’ Hosta) had seed pods on it that appeared ready to open. I did a quick search and found a procedure to follow to see if I could propagate. It is pretty simple: allow the pods to open and then place the seeds in a moist paper towel and putting in a sealed Ziploc bag. Once they sprout (the instructions did not speculate on how long this might take), transfer to pots and allow to grow for eight or nine months. So, if I get them to sprout in the month or so, they should be ready to go into the ground next Spring. If I get one to the point of planing, I will put it in the spot between the two northern-most hornbeams.
‘Sagae’ Hosta |
Pods and Seeds |
In a wet paper towel for sprouting |
This week I had the east porch restained (natural cedar color). The last time was in 2011. There is some wood rot, but considering it is over 30 years old, it is holding up well.
After Power Wash |
After Staining |
Fish update: There are many tiny baby fishes in the pond. The smallest are hiding among the Horn Wort.