Friday, February 5, 2016


Both Todd and John showed up today to look at the pond. The pump has been off since last Friday when it started to lose suction. After I went over the history of the pond level since I refilled it the Sunday before last, there was a lot of speculation regarding where the leak might be. The consensus was for John to bring a pump out tomorrow (Saturday) and the level will be pump out to a point below the skimmer level. It will then be allowed to sit to see if the level falls any further. This should help identify where the problem is.

I got the mini-blinds installed on the garage doors.

T has not yet consented to my standing offer to a game of chess.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Chess Anyone?

T has finally got her chess set for the patio. It arrived today and it looks good. The king is 37" tall. The pieces are made of plastic. We could not afford the teak set.

Wally was here last Friday and again on Monday and Tuesday. He has finished the lighting and we have gotten the extension cord to the pond pump off the chess board. The pond still leaks and I shut down the pump last Friday when it began to lose suction. I sent John a note earlier this week reminding him that the pond needs to be fixed so that we can pay him the remainder of his money. He responded quickly but made no promises other than he would come visit us before the end of the week. The aggregate walkways still need to be acid washed and sealed.

Today, finally, we received the mini-blinds for the garage doors.

We had Kennedy Painting in to repair the plaster in the conservator of the main house. The plaster ceiling fell in last fall. They finished on Monday. Looks good. They also added anchors to the remaining keyed plaster to ensure it does not fall in the future.
 While we had a rain day on Tuesday, the weather has been relatively mild. Last weekend I got out the lawn chairs and sat amiably on the south patio taking in the view of our back yard.