Today I put a new epoxy patch and clamp on the split water line in the garage. A couple of hours later I pressurized the system and it seems to be holding. However, I noticed a second split so I put a epoxy patch on it. We'll see if it holds. It didn't but I put another layer on. In retrospect, I believe the problem which resulted in splitting this line was that I closed the valve on the incoming water in the garage. I should have left this valve open so that any moisture could have drained back toward the basement. Both of the splits were just above this valve. The valve in the basement was open all winter.
I did most of my Spring tree fertilization today using some old Miracle Grow spikes and some new Jobe's. I had only a total of 18. I pounded two in on each side of the Japanese maple near the east porch before I read the instruction. It said to apply them within the drip line of the tree but no closer than 30". The two I put in around the maple are within the drip line but only about 8" from the trunk. The diameter of the drip line is only about 36". The instructions also said to water the soil well before inserting. Not sure if this is to make the soil more penetrable but I did start the irrigation system and followed it around. Here are the locations for the tree spikes:
- 2 around the east porch maple
- 1 (a total of 10 spikes) between each hornbeam, about 8" from the east fence (east of the plant we have planted between each hornbeam)
- 1 half way on a diagonal line from the Japanese maple (below the bat house) to the east holly
- 1 half way between the beech and the west holly
- 1 directly south of the dogwood by the upper pond
- 1 half way on a line from the Hydrangea to the south Nadina
- 1 directly east of the Japanese red maple by the bird bath
- 1 directly south of the Zelkova
I need to get some more spikes and put some around the Canadian Red Cherry, the Red Maple, the Red Twig Dogwoods and the south holly. For the future, I figure I need 30 spikes plus spikes for the evergreen.
In setting up the irrigation, I am staying with the three zones. Zone A includes eight circuits and cover everything without sod. Zone B includes four circuits which primarily are sodded areas. Zone C is one circuit which covers the raised beds.
For now, I am starting with the following schedule:
Zone A: each circuit will run for 10 minutes starting at 0330 hours on M, W, F
Zone B; each circuit will run for 10 minutes starting at 0500 hours (except circuit #10 which will be 5 minutes) on Tu and Sat