Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July

We did not expect to see any work yesterday as most people were taking Friday off in celebration of the Fourth. However, a small contingent of painters did show up to paint the garage window trim that Mike installed earlier in the week. T is very happy with the garage appearance and has decided the window limestone will remain the whitish color. All we need now is to finish the electrical work and bridge the gap between the approach apron and the alley and we can start using the garage. Well, maybe not as it is full of lumber right now.

We should be getting close to being able to let the landscapers start their work. Cleaning up the yard debris and doing their trenching for drainage and irrigation systems will be the first order of business.

Finishing the electrical work is the biggest hurdle right now for getting the chimney breast stone installation going. Chris (electrician) still has not run the CAT5 cable to the back of the TV. Mike also needs to install the TV wall pan and we are waiting for the new wall panels for each side of the chimney to arrive. Mike said that Bob (cabinetry) promised they would be finished immediately.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

End Of Week

Most smart people are celebrating the Fourth of July tomorrow, so we expect today was the end of the work week.

Chris continued with the electrical work in the sunroom. He apparently completed the wiring for the cupola fan which allowed Mike to start framing. Once he got the room-side grill on, it was apparent that we will paint that grill before deciding whether or not we need an additional decorative grill over the opening. Mike also started installation of the framing for the hot tub decking.

Cupola Exhaust Fan Opening
Hot Tub Decking Framing

Mike said he called Bobby (fireplace) to schedule them to come out and finish the fireplace installation. He said the soonest they could be out is next Thursday. Mike says he has to have that done before the stone work on the chimney breast can begin. That implies it may be the week after next before the stone work can be scheduled. I told Mike we have booked another cruise for December and I wanted to believe we would have the project finished by then. I did not get a commitment. 

Eric (solar) stopped by this morning and dropped off the documentation for the solar system. We chatted about the system performance. I explained to him that, on those few sunny days we have had since the system went into service on June 18, we have never exceeded a power output of 6.1 kW. This is only 64% of the rated output. I further explained that, based upon my research, I would expect a power output of 8.5 kW. The contract we signed estimated an output of 7.6 kW, which I assume is a very conservative estimate. Regardless, I wanted to reinforce to Eric that I am not satisfied with the current performance. He said all the right things to attempt to assure me that they would work with me to achieve maximum system performance. I later got a call from Josh, the solar company's operation manager. He also assured me that would work with me.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The stone for the chimney breast was delivered today. It is what T was expecting. Mike finished the trim on the garage windows and Chris returned to the sunroom electrical work. This may be a short week due to the Fourth of July observance. I am hopeful we will be installing the chimney stone next week.


Hole Bored Through Roof Insulation for Power to the Cupola Fan

After everyone left, I went out to see that Chris had accomplished. I noticed that while he had installed a coaxial cable to the TV, he had not run the CAT5 cable. I called Mike and reminded him that we need the CAT5. Mike said he would ensure it is done.

Mike also notified us that he had called Bob (cabinetry) to tell him that the panels delivered last week for each side of the chimney were not the right size. Bummer, we have to have those before we start the stone work.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

No Electricity

The mansonry guys and the guttering guys showed back up this morning along with Mike. They finished the sunroom guttering, although they still have the flashing to put above the bay windows. The masonry guys worked until late. They were grouting and starting repair work on the main house brick. They did not finish. Mike began installing the trim on the garage windows. We got another load of lumber including the Tiger wood for the decking and porches.

Most disappointing is that Chris (electrician) did not show up. A lot is waiting for him to finish the wiring in the sunroom. Mike said the stone for the chimney breast would be delivered this week, but we cannot start its installation until the wiring behind the TV is completed.

Now that the masonry and guttering is essentially installed, we should be ready for the landscaping work to commence.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Limestone and Aluminum

We had some heavy rain and hail last night. Other than a couple of small branches down, no damage. It had cleared by daylight and did not start raining again until this evening.

The guttering guys showed back up and finished the garage and started on the sunroom. The masonry people also showed up and got after the installation of the limestone window sills. They miscalculated the space needed for the garage sills and they had to rip out some of the bricks they had previously laid. Mike was here to look over things and said he expected them to complete the guttering and masonry today. Neither the guttering or the masonry were finished. While all the sills are in place, they still need to be grouted. T has not yet determined whether she wants the sill to be painted to match those on the main house or leave them white. Once the sills are complete, Mike can finish the trim around the windows.

Limestone Sills

Yes, we still have the 2x4's holding up the south porch roof. T discussed the south porch roof brackets with Mike this morning. She showed him a design she likes and he will have the lumber people cut them out. It will supposedly look something like this...

The electrician did not show up today. Mike seemed a little disappointed that Chris worked all day on the garage wiring because he is waiting for the sunroom wiring.

Mike said the Tiger Wood decking will arrive tomorrow.