Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thirst Quencher

Inspecting the soon-to-be-history garage slab, we noticed that along the rear edge, flush with the slab was, what appeared to be, the bottom of a glass bottle. Closer inspection verified it was some kind of bottle, probably a soda bottle. After Mike and crew left for the day, I fetched my trusty hammer and screw driver and started chipping away at the concrete. I quit when I broke the screw driver and was starting to feel a little anemic due to the loss of blood (mosquitoes were dining out in force).
This morning, I went ALL the way down to the basement to find a proper chisel and continued with my attempt to free this object from its long imprisonment. My efforts were successful without breaking the bottle. It is a 7 fl oz Silver Seal soda bottle (empty and without cap), "prepared and bottled" by the American Soda Water Co. St. Louis, MO. There is a copyright date of 1924 on the front of the bottle, so we know that is the earliest it could have been there. We are looking for more information about the company on-line. Apparently one bottle served multiple flavors since the back of the bottle says "Flavor designated on crown".

Who knows what we find under the slab or when we start our trenching work?!?!

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