The new sewer line has been connected to the main, inspected by the City and now we can flush again. The work is not complete yet, but a corner has been turned. The gutter downspout laterals, which had previously tied into the sewer line, still need to be connected to the new sewer line. However, those laterals that will run underneath the new foundations must first be replaced with new plastic pipe. That work will begin, and should finish tomorrow. We are still not clear whether or not the one downspout, that did not previously tie into the sewer, also needs to be connected. If so, that will be another major job. I am not going to ask about it. With the sewer back in service, we should be able to resume, and hopefully complete, our half-bath remodeling work tomorrow as well.
T and I were out running errands most of the afternoon. When we got home, I asked the workers if they had found anything interesting. Apparently they found what they believed was an old privy out near the alley. They described it to be roughly eight feet deep with brick walls. They said that, contrary to their experience at other sites in the Soulard area, they found only one bottle within the privy. They said they would have expected to find hundreds. I asked for the bottle they did find, but they could not find it. T is thinking that perhaps it may have actually been an old cistern and not a privy. Another explanation is that, at some point in its long history, it had been cleaned out. Perhaps when the previous garage was built. Anyway, we have not yet discovered a treasure trove of archaeological debris. While we are not yet finished with all the excavations, none of the remaining digging will be nearly as deep as that associated with the sewer line work.
During our errands today, we visited another stained glass shop, the Art Glass Unlimited in the Central West End. They too are going to put together a proposal for us to consider.
I need to remember to lure T down to the basement to discuss the placement of the solar panel inverters.
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