Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sunroom Roof On

"Our" Mike, Nate and "Little" Mike finished the sunroom roof today and started working on framing the roof on the connecting porch.

Talking with Mike, they will be finishing this connecting porch roof and cleaning up in preparation for leveling and rocking both the sunroom and the garage. Mark (plumbing) and Frank (HVAC) both stopped by to see the progress. Looks like things may pick up now that the bulk of the exterior carpentry is almost complete.

I reminded Mike that tomorrow is the last day of our current construction permit. Again, Mike said that he has talked with the City Inspector who told him that she would extend the permit. I am not comfortable with taking that for granted so I will plan to call the Inspector myself tomorrow. I do not want some City official showing up on our door step with handcuffs to cart T off to the slammer.

I also talked with Mike about his policy to add 10% to invoices for any purchases he makes. Until now, I have not said anything about the small material purchases he has made and the few dollars he has added on. The invoice we received on Monday however included about $150 of added charges. This was partly due to the 10% add-on for the crane he hired to lift the garage trusses. There was also more material charges than normal due to (according to Mike) a miscalculation by the lumber company, forcing Mike to buy additional lumber from Home Depot on a Saturday. So I am paying a premium for someone else's mistake! When I brought this up to Mike, he said that the crane cost should have been passed through without the 10% markup and he would credit us with that amount. As for the other charges, I suggested to Mike that I was willing to advance him pocket money to cover any miscellaneous costs he incurs. He seemed very cool to this ideal, commenting that he wanted to charge these costs on his credit card to get the rebate. As usual, we did not conclude with anything definitive. I will monitor this going forward and, at least ensure we get the credit on the crane surcharge on the next invoice.

We spoke with the Cupola manufacturer (Brent) again today. He and T discussed the color options and we owe him a final decision on both the colors as well as the weather vane to be used on the garage cupola. We told Brent that we had settled on purchasing the copper Fleur-de-Lis finial for the sunroom. Mike told me that he would fabricate the curbs for the cupolas and we could eliminate these from the quote from the cupolas.

T and I looked over the debris in the garage area after Mike and crew departed. Lots of wood reminants as well as unused lumber. I will get with Mike tomorrow and ensure he does not just haul off this stuff for disposal. I am guessing there are at least 30 pieces of eight foot long 1x6 select pine boards that never got used. We paid a premium price for these and we are not going to let them end up in the land fill.

I asked Mike if he had spoken with Drew (landscaping). He said he had not but intended to give him a call. Mike also said he had given all the information to Jim (glass roof) and now it was in the hands of Tyler (architect) to go over the details of the glass roof design with Jim. I wonder if Tyler knows that?

Other tid bits from Mike were that he has been talking with the brick layers, the roofers and the slate installers, getting them prepared for their parts.

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