Yesterday, Bret told me that he expected to finish the roofing either Friday, or if it rains on Friday, or Saturday. Today the started stripping the old shingles off the east portion of the main house. There seems to be a lot of work remaining. Hopefully this will be the last day of thunder claps as shingles are cascaded off the roof. They are currently forecasting 100% chance of rain starting tonight and through Friday. The chance of rain on Saturday is currently 20%.
I also noticed that the roofers had piled about two dozen packages of new asphalt shingles on a small area of the new sunroom roof. I called Bret (supervisor) and asked if the roofers knew this was a composite roof. Bret assured me that no damage was being done to the roof and that the roof could withstand 7 or 8 feet of snow. I told him that I don't doubt that, but right now it is withstanding about 4 feet of asphalt. Bret did not seem concerned but said he would call the roofers and have them relocate the packages. While I did not see them haul the shingles up to the roof, I can easily imagine they were heaved onto the roof. I took a picture of the pile and sent a note to "Our" Mike just in case we later find that damage has occurred.
Frank (HVAC) came by, as promised, this morning and we talked about the ventilation issue. He brought a brochure for another type of roof exhaust fan if I wanted to call them. I went over the email that I drafted yesterday with him, explaining my proposed approach. Bottom line, Frank said that he has no experience with this type of ventilation issue. He said he has never designed, specified or installed room ventilation systems. He was very surprised and disappointed that the hot tub manufacturer had not been able to provide any guidance. He was also very sympathetic to my frustration regarding the whole question of ventilation since this was a concern we noted at the beginning of the project. Other than drawing a fan on the construction drawings, no effort was put into determining any details of what that fan should be or no provisions were made for makeup air to enter the room when the fan was running...other than manually opening a window. Frank agreed this issue was not properly incorporated into the design, but he said he was not the one who could do that for us. He did offer to contact an engineer he has worked with before to see if he would be willing to help. I thanked Frank for listening and for offering to help me find someone qualified to consult with us. This is more than anyone else has done so far. I will not be sending to Frank the email I drafted yesterday.
Before he left, Frank asked when we might expect to have the slab poured on the east side of the house for the AC units and new inverters. I confirmed to Frank that I was under the impression that Mike and Bob (landscape) had agreed that Bob would be responsible for all outside "flat" work. When Frank asked if I would call the landscaper, I said "no" and suggested that he consult with Mike. In order avoid confusion, I have steadfastly maintained that all the contractors coordinate their activities with "Our" Mike.
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