Friday, March 6, 2015


A beautiful day. Bright, calm, relatively warm with the high in the mid 40's. Forecast is for a warm week ahead. Upper 50's to mid 60's with no forecast of rain until next Friday (another Friday the 13th).

While "Our" Mike cautioned me yesterday not to be overly optimistic about anything being done next week, we were encouraged that shingles were delivered today for the roof work.

The shingles are the proper type and color (Slateline and emerald green), but it does not appear that there is nearly enough to do the addition plus the garage, let alone the main house. There were thirty containers of, what appears to be 10-12 shingles per container. Mike told me yesterday that the plan was to do the main house first. We'll see, maybe more will show up next week. They also dropped off what looks to be much more valley and eave protective film than is needed just for the addition and garage. This makes me hopeful this was only a partial delivery.

When they put the felt on the sunroom a couple of weeks ago, they told me that they needed a couple of days with the temperature in the 40's. They will have better than that all of next week.

I got another message from my HVAC friend Bob. He said he could stop by after work next Monday or Tuesday to visit with us about the sunroom ventilation issue. I responded that we would appreciate his visit whenever was convenient for him. In response to my statement yesterday, that there are no ventilation provisions in the current sunroom design, Bob commented that per code, there had to be ventilation provided. This reminded me of a comment that Mike made yesterday when he said that any fan would create a negative pressure in the sunroom. Mike also said that he was aware that some window manufactures may void their warranty if the room is not vented properly and their windows are exposed to negative pressure. This also concerns us with respect to the impact of negative room pressure on the stained glass window we will have mounted above the south entry door. I have presented this question to our architect (Tyler). The original design has no air makeup provisions (other than manually opening a window or door), but did contain a fan in the cupola. In that note I stated that we will make whatever changes are required to eliminate the potential for an inadvertent negative pressure developing in the sunroom. We will not rely on wishful thinking or reliance upon people remembering to open windows when the fan is operating, which may start automatically if, as intended, we have it activated when the humidity reaches a specific point.

During lunch today, T and I were talking and at least I am leaning toward just putting a decorative, non-functional, windowed cupola on the sunroom and putting a ventilation fan on the north facing sunroom roof. Prior to going out for lunch, T and I confirmed that a roof mounted fan on the north facing roof surface would not be visible from the exterior except from the extreme northeast corner of the back yard. It would be very visible however from the second and third story windows on the back of the main house. If we can paint the visible portion of the fan housing so that it blends in with the roofing shingles, it would be OK. As for makeup air provisions, I believe it would be simple to install a small section(s) of perforated soffits, similar to what has been installed on the garage. We thought the right place to put these might be at the northwest and southwest corners of the sunroom, where the glass roof connects to the west gable. If the roof ventilation fan was centered along the east-west roof line, the positioning of these vented soffit sections would essentially draft humid air from the hot tub area. This evaluation of the ventilation is definitely not finalized yet.

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