Friday, May 22, 2015

Long Distance Update

Today we flew from Houston to Fort Lauderdale. We spent the last two nights in Houston. Sunday morning we embark on a week-long Carribbean cruise. We really did not expect to have anything to post until our return, but as soon as we got to our hotel room today we had messages from the Overhead Door Company and our security company. While listening to the messages that were left, I got a call from our east neighbors saying they had gotten a call from the security company saying our power was out. It took about six calls to get it all sorted out. The solar people were out to install the inverter panels and shut off the power to the house. This prompted the security company to call us and the neighbors. When I called the security company, I reminded them that last week I told them we were going on vacation and to call "Our" Mike if anything went wrong. They finally admitted they had this information, but ignored it. I freely expressed my displeasure to them. Enough said!

Then there was the Overhead Door salesman who called to say our doors had arrived, but "were not there yet". Say what?! I had also informed them to contact Mike when the doors arrived. I called them to reenforce this instruction. They promised to call us back, but never did.

I then talked with Mike. The brick work and the slate work was completed this week. He is expecting the window sills to be installed next week. He said he talked with the solar people who admitted they had cut power to the house, but it was back on now. I had sent a note to Erik (solar) notifying them we were leaving, so common sense would have been for them to let Mike know they were going to cut power. Mike also told us that the solar people did not properly install the inverters. They installed both of them on one side of the rack instead of one on each side as agreed. Mike said he had a call in for Betsy. I will forward the email to Erik, Betsy and Mike, reminding all of the plan.

Could have been worse!

Update: Very shortly after sending my note to Eric about the inverter rack installation, Eric responded saying he had received my message and that he "will work with Rick and Angelo on Tuesday to remedy the issue...then follow up with Mike when we have a workable solution to meet our agreement". He concluded saying "we will take care of everything for you". Sounds good!

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