Chris (electrician) returned this morning to continue his work. "Our" Mike also showed up. Nate did not make it due to truck problems.
We told Chris that after T reflected on the hot tub sconce positions over night, she wants them to lower the electrical boxes 6". This will put them about 78" above the level of the deck. We also reviewed with T the step lights. She was satisfied with going with the light boxes on the stringers on either side of the treads. At one time, we had discussed using rope lights along the edge of the treads. We also discussed the position of the power outlets along the trusses and the lights over the bar. We are changing some of what is shown on the architectural drawings due to changes that have been made over the past year.
Mike said the the brick layers will start tomorrow morning. Today, another 2,500 bricks were delivered along with the mortar compounds and a load of sand. That makes a total of 9,500 bricks sitting in the front yard.
After talking with Bret (roofing) yesterday, a crew came by and worked to clean out the gutters and cleaned up most of the surplus felt on the west side of the garage. Still some debris over there. I saw one of their crew coming down off the roof with a caulking gun. I assume this meant they were also looking at the flashing around the chimney as I requested.
I showed Mike the Sapele sample cabinet door we picked up from Bob last week. I told Mike that we planned to be leaving town no later than two weeks from today and would be gone for a couple of weeks. Therefore, if he wanted to have Jerry (stainer/painter) talk with T before we left, he needed to get it arranged. Later, Mike told us that Jerry will be here Friday to talk with T.
This evening we got a note from Bob (cabinetry) responding to a voice message I left for him this morning. The voice message was to alert Bob that the electrician (Chris) was in the process of hanging receptacles and running wire for the appliances in the bar. I have provided Chris with cut sheets for the appliances, but just in case Bob had any thoughts about changing the positions of any of those appliances, we needed to know now. The response from Bob was that the locations were not going to change. However, he took the opportunity to mention that we needed to have the electrician be careful about where the power receptacles on that wall panels were positioned. Bob noted that we do not want a wall receptacle crossing the interface between a panels style (or rail) and center panel. It needs to be either centered on the center panel or completely contained on the style (or rail). Good point Bob!! I called Bob to discuss and agreed it would be best for him to come tomorrow (Thursday) morning to review what has been done and make suggestions for anything that needs to be changed. He will also take his measurements and talk with us about the connecting porch. We also need to talk with him about Chris's suggestion of placement of the power outlet above the mantel on the horizontal surface of the mantel itself and the placement of the power outlet on the bar counter in the quartz back splash.
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