Thursday, June 11, 2015

Quiet Day

Mike and Nate were here most of the day again putting up trim pieces for the painters. The painters were not here. They may not return until Mike has finished installation of the trim. Mike said the slate guy showed up and Mike pointed out the areas that need attention. I asked Mike if we needed to select the "brackets" to be used to support the south sunroom door porch cover. He said we did and he would find some sources for us to consult.

They finished installing wood above the garage windows and started on the trim.

T ordered the wall sconces to be put on either side of the sunroom hot tub bay. 

Previously, Mike told me that the roofer and bricklayers would be back tomorrow. We'll see. Still have not gotten a call from the lighting company concerning our four garage wall sconces. On Monday, they said it might take a couple of days to round them up. If we don't hear something by mid-day tomorrow, we will call them.

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