Monday, February 29, 2016

Pond Saga Continues

Todd is out again today to fix the leak in the pond. This marks at least the fifth time he has been here to fix the leak. The first time was back in December and the last time was last Tuesday (Feb 23). Each time we were told the problem was resolved only to find that was not the case.

The day after last week's repair, I brought the level back up to where it was showing leakage before and it seemed to hold that level over night. On Thursday, Feb 25, I added another three inches of level. Each morning I put a mark on the door of the skimmer to show the level. It fell consistently about 1/2" each day so that by this morning, we had lost at least two full inches

Todd was very apologetic and assure me this is not normal. I hope he sensed that my patience is wearing thin, but I did not take him to task as I keep reminding myself that Todd was hired by John (landscaping). Therefore, John is responsible for Todd's work. I believe John has already paid Todd, but I have not paid all the money I owe John. In fact, John knows he will not be paid any more until the entire job (including the pond) is finished to our satisfaction. Todd showed me where they had applied tape to the seams of the skimmer box last week. Today, they removed the tape and applied silicon caulk. Todd asked that we let it sit over night and then fill it tomorrow.

I am still uncomfortable with the pond pump that Todd pulled out of the skimmer several weeks ago. He said it is a 8,000 GPH Monsoon made by Anjon, a local company. While it physically looks like the pumps on the Anjon web site, it does not have the Anjon name on the pump, there is no serial number to be found and the "model" number is GPM-8000. The model number on the Anjon web site for their 8000 GPH pump is MS8000. The label on the pump does say "Made in China". There was also a heavy gauge wire threaded through the cover to hold the cover on the head. All of this led me to question John whether or not this was a new pump and where it came from. John told me he subsequently talked with Todd and was told it was a new pump. Todd told him that he installed the wire because the cover falling off was a common problem. Still suspicious, I asked John to have Todd provide me with the receipt or proof of purchase. According to the Anjon web site, there is a two year warranty on the pump if you have a proof of purchase. I have also sent an email to Anjon describing the pump and asking if they believe it was sold by them.

We talked with Bob (cabinetry) last Thursday. The previous Thursday, he had sent his man around to look at our bar cabinet door since it did not close properly. Bob's man said the door was warped but he would take it back to the shop and put it in a vice to see if he could straighten it. If that did not work, they would have to make a new one. He promised that he would let us know what to expect and, if necessary, bring the old door back until the new one was made. Of course a week went by without anyone calling, so we called Bob last Thursday. Bob said the door was irretrievably warped and a new was was being made. I told him that we have guests arriving in a couple of weeks. Bob assured us that the new door would be to us before then.

We also called "Our" Mike last Thursday to see if and when he might be back to finish his work. He responded saying he would be here (with the electrician) on Tuesday (tomorrow).

We have not seen Wally (irrigation and lighting) since he dropped off a different pond light last week. The light he brought cast an unacceptable blue light. We told this to Wally and he said he would continue working on it. I also noticed Wally has never moved the sprinkler head in the southwest corner of the yard. The head is outside the fence (Wally said they installed the fence in the wrong spot). I pointed this out to Wally before and he said he would move the head, but it is not yet done.

John called shortly after Todd left today. I told John what Todd said and did and that we would fill up the pond tomorrow to watch for leakage. John said he would be talking with Joe (concrete) as soon as Joe returns from Hawaii regarding washing and sealing the walkways.

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