Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Trees and Pond

Monday, the lumber company finally showed up to pick up the excess Tiger wood decking and railing. This essentially closes the door on Mike's commitment to the project.

John's crew showed up today and replaced three of the five Junipers on the east side of the chess board. These showed significant dead branches. I also showed John one of the Boxwood along the west fence line that looks dead.

The pond seems to have lost only a fraction of an inch over the past two days. Kevin showed up today and put the pond perimeter back together. Before starting to refill the pond (so that we test the upper pond and stream for leakage), we installed the LED fountain light that Wally had brought a couple of weeks ago. Last week, T suggested we put a simple globe lamp shade over the fountain light to disperse the light and the color of the light. The muddy pond water was pumped out by John's crew before we refilled it. However, it is still pretty muddy and will take awhile to clear up. We filled the pond up to the overflow port.

As of this evening, the level was about 1/2" below the overflow port. I am going to reserve judgement however since there was a vigorous wind today which I observed blowing spray off the falls. The forecast is for substantial rain (several inches) over the next few days. We may have to wait until next week to determine whether we still have a leak.

Still no word from Bob about our bar cabinet door. Bob assured me two week ago that they would have the replacement door finished before our guests arrived this weekend. I guess I will call Bob tomorrow to find out if he has any intention to honor his commitment.

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