Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday April 22, 2017 Trees and Evergreens

When I was out last week I picked up more fertilizer spikes for the trees and a different version for the evergreens. Today, I put in four spikes around the junipers along the east fence line, two around the southwest holly, two around the red maple on the west fence and two around the Canadian Cherry. I'll put more spikes in this fall.

I spent more time working to eradicate the spearmint from the east raised bed. It appears the work I did a week or so ago was effective although a little has grown back. This stuff is very tenacious.

I cleaned out some of the plugged sprinkler heads. I need to make a comprehensive survey of what changes I want to make to the sprinklers so I can get the proper parts. I am considering taping into the irrigation piping near the pond skimmer and running a line over to the level valve I installed in the skimmer. It would only have water available when that zone of the irrigation system is "active" (probably only 15 minutes, two or three times per week), but that should be enough to keep the water level in a reasonable range.

Absolutely no activity on the vegetables I planted earlier. Not ready to give up yet, but maybe I put them out too soon. There still are no okra at any of the nurseries yet.

All of the roses in T's rose garden are now in bloom along with the columbine. The hollyhock at each end of the garden have leafed out nicely, but so far, no blossoms. I think it is a little too early yet. Same for the foxglove.

I pruned back the common sage and thyme today. The sage has a lot of buds on it. Should bloom later in the Spring.

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