Earlier this week, I sent an email to John (landscaping) telling him my beech was dead and the boxwood along the west fence are dying. Today he stopped by. He looked at the beech and the boxwood. His hypothesis is that they are getting too much water. He pulled one of the dead boxwoods out and said "yep, too much water".
We looked at the irrigation settings. There are three areas programmed. The "A" area includes all the shrubs zones (1 through 8), "B" is the grass zones (9,10,11,12) and "C" includes the two raised beds (zone 13).
Zone 1-8: 10 minutes M, W, F, Sat
Zone 9, 11,12: 10 minutes T, T, Sat
Zone 10: 5 minutes T, T, Sat
Zone 13: 1 hour M, Th, Sat
He suggested reducing the number of days on the shrubs (Zones 1-8) by one day, so I eliminated Saturday. He also suggested completely turning off the system for a couple of days, so I did that and will leave it off over the weekend.
As for the boxwood, there are still five or six that look healthy. John suggested he has another client that he could offer these to and replace them with more Yews. He will also replace the beech.
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