Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019: Squirrel Chronicles Part III

I had not received any movement notifications from either camera since early Friday morning. Before retiring last night, I checked the cameras. The eave camera showed nothing had changed and the boom box was still in place and functioning (it gives off audible clicks every few seconds). The attic camera however showed the trap had been tripped and rotated clockwise about 45deg. I watched the trap for a few minutes and could periodically see the reflection of an eye. So, Andy the Squirrel had finally checked in to the Attic Hotel.

This morning, I went up to see how Andy was doing and to suggest we find him a new residence in Tower Grove Park, about 1.5 miles away.

I was not surprised when he expressed displeasure with the current accommodations and my hospitality. I brought him down to the Sunroom to allow him to enjoy the warmer environment before our journey began.

We drove over to the western most end of the park and Andy was released. He didn't even say "goodbye", but zipped over to the closest oak tree.

Returning home, I rebaited the trap with another rice cracker with a dollop of peanut butter and returned it to the attic to await the next guest's arrival.

I am very hopeful that the boom box in the eave is discouraging any potential guests from moving into that trap. Time will tell.

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