Sunday, September 28, 2014


While normally unproductive, if not actually dangerous to my health and well being, I've been thinking again. My thoughts have been specifically about the excavation that took place last Friday. While I have not been notified of anything yet, I have assembled the observations I made and have amassed the following scenario.

"Bobcat" Tom started the excavation at the garage. Prior to beginning, he had a discussion with Mike regarding the depth of the foundation trench. They consulted the architectural drawings, concluded those drawings did not make sense, called the architect (who apparently confirmed the drawing elevations were not to be taken seriously) and then decided how to proceed. Tom set up his laser elevation equipment, with the reference base situated by the ash tree on the west fence (one of the few areas untouched by the project). He then started with the trench along the south side of the garage, parallel to the alley. Periodically, Tom would stop, get out his depth stick and measure the elevation relative to the reference. He then proceeded to excavate along, what will be, the west side of the garage before starting along the north side. It was during the excavation of the north side trench that I believe Tom discovered the "Ooops".

That "Ooops" can be seen as a white stripe along the ground in the picture below. It is the new PVC lateral connecting the downspout drain to the main sewer line. This lateral was laid by Vern's boys, along with the rest of the sewer lines, three weeks ago. Tom could not excavate any deeper due to this line and it also appears the trench is no where near the 30" depth that Mike indicated was required. Actually, the necessary depth at this point may be more than 30" since there seems to be a gradient between here and the alley.

Upon this discovery, Tom abandoned the excavation of the foundation around the garage and moved to working on the foundation for the sunroom. Once he completed that work, he left. This explains why, much to my amazement at the time, Tom seemed to conclude his work so early in the day. This was especially puzzling at the time since Mike had confirmed the crew to lay the foundation will be here next week.

This is all speculation on my part. I hope there is another explanation. Maybe Mike will let me know something on Monday.

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