Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Major Letdown

The plan was to complete the foundation footing forms, get the inspection from the City and pour the footing concrete today. It was also a possibility that "Pipefitter" Greg might be by to finish the basement plumbing. What actually happened was...nothing.

I expected the form guys would be here bright and early since Mike said the Inspector was scheduled to be here at 11:00 am. When no one showed up by 10:00 am, I called Mike. He said he tried to call me last night, but could not reach me. My cell phone does not have voice mail. Anyway, he said he could not make arrangements for the concrete pumper for today and he rescheduled everything to take place tomorrow, Thursday. He said completion of the form work will be done immediately before the inspection. Mike said the City Inspector did show up today (I did not see them), even though he had canceled and rescheduled for tomorrow. Mike assured me we would not be billed for their showing up today.

Hopefully I am wrong, but with thunderstorms forecast to start tonight and continue through most of the day tomorrow, I don't have much hope that anything will be done tomorrow. If we get the 1" to 2" of rain they are predicting, it may take several days to get the trenches dried out sufficiently to continue work.

Really a letdown. This was going to be a milestone day. I don't even have any new pictures to post, unless you want one of Spenser (sleeping) and I (reading) in the parlor. I estimate we will end up losing about a week. Too bad since the last two weeks have been perfect for outside construction work. We were only able to capitalize on two or three of those days due to resource availability.

Oh yes, Greg did not show up either. Maybe tomorrow.

We will endeavor to persevere and we will be successful. If I was not being so faithful to my diet, I might drink heavily tonight. Tomorrow morning, Frank and Mike will be here to go over Frank's amended HVAC proposal.

Almost forgot, we did get the updated landscaping drawing (showing just hard surfaces) from Bob late this afternoon. This was based upon our meeting yesterday.

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