Thursday, November 6, 2014

Building Walls

While nothing much happened yesterday, the City did come around and repaired the holes in the street made during replacement of the domestic water line. It is a relief to have this accomplished. We been concerned about cyclists being surprised when encountering these holes. In addition, the noise created when errant vehicles would hit these holes, was disconcerting.
This morning is sunny, windy and cool. At 7:00 am this morning, I noticed three trucks sitting out front. Around 7:30, I went down to the basement and unlocked the basement door in anticipation (the carpenters had left some equipment in the basement on Monday). It was almost 8:00 am before one of the carpenters came to the front door asking if I could unlock the basement door. I told him it was already unlocked. The carpenter then asked if they could assume we would have the basement door unlocked at 7:00 am each morning. I told him that I would be happy to have the door unlocked by that time each morning as long as I knew they would be showing up to work.
Monday Afternoon
Thursday Afternoon
Mike and Nate also repaired the broken lateral from the east downspout drains over to the sewer line.
Spliced Lateral Line
Mike says tomorrow should be busy. Not only will they continue with the framing, but also Rob (electrical) will finally make his appearance to begin his work and Drew (solar) should also be here as well. The lumber yard people are expected to take measurements for the garage trusses. Mike predicted we would have the trusses within a week.

Mike also said that he had talked with Mark about the hot water line going to the sunroom. I had previously mentioned to Mike that we were concerned about the length of the water lines and hence the time it will take to realize hot water at the bar. He said Mark thought it might take about 30 seconds to get hot water to the bar. That may not sound like a very long time, but it is very a long time when you are standing at the bar waiting for it. Simple observation shows we could eliminate roughly 28 feet of 3/4" copper piping in the basement on the hot water line going out to the sunroom. I measured the full-flow hot water rate in the kitchen at 2 gpm. Assuming the same rate going to the sunroom, it will take about 15 seconds to displace that 28 feet of piping (which would hold about 1/2 gallon of water). Therefore, Mark may be close, if not a little optimistic, with his estimate of 30 seconds to get hot water to the bar in the sunroom. At a minimum, we need to eliminate this unnecessary piping.

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