Monday, November 3, 2014

Let The Carpentry Begin

It is supposed to begin raining after midnight tonight and continue into early tomorrow afternoon. Sunny, dry and cool for the remainder of the week. "Our" Mike and his crew (Nate plus two carpenters) arrived a little after 7:00 am this morning. Daylight Savings Time had been discontinued this past weekend, so there was a little more daylight at that hour. They reviewed the drawings for quite awhile before agreeing on a work plan. Prior to finishing for the day, they had two wall frames built, one of which was raised into position. With the rain forecast for tomorrow, probably won't see much more activity until Wednesday.

Yesterday, I sent Mike an email informing him that, over the weekend, I inspected the trench that "Bobcat" Tom had dug 10 days ago for the utility lines. In doing so, I noticed that Tom had "found" the clay lateral from the east side downspouts over to the sewer line. He not only found it, he dug out a three foot stretch of it. I confirmed this by running water into the downspout hub and, sure enough, it emptied into the trench. In the email, I suggested to Mike that we needed to get this repaired prior to refilling the trench. This morning, I asked Mike if he saw the email. He said he did and they would make the repair. Looks as if they are going to use a piece of the PVC lateral they had to previously remove when installing the garage foundations. Good thing I was lazy and did not throw those remnants away this weekend while cleaning up around the ash tree.

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