Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Solar Panels

Cool partly clouding day. It sprinkled briefly after lunch, but no measurable amount.

Both T and I realized that we never heard from David (tile dealer). He asked us to leave our architectural drawings with him when we visited his shop last Friday. He said he would stop by on Sunday to return the drawings and to see the project. I guess he forgot or ran out of time.

The big accomplishment of the day was getting the solar panels installed.
Front of Solar Panel
I estimate the weight of each panel was about 25 pounds.

Back of Solar Panel
Solar Panel Tag

Before I saw Chris (glass roof installer), I asked Mike if the glass roof panels had shown up as Chris said yesterday he expected. Mike said Chris told him that he now expected them on tomorrow (Wednesday). Later, I talked with Chris and he said that he was hoping the panels would be here by Thursday. Last week, Jim (glass roof) told us that the glass was going to ship last Wednesday and arrive last Friday. Today, Chris said that not only did the glass panels not ship until yesterday (Monday) but apparently, they were sent to the frame manufacturer in South Carolina. They were supposed to have been shipped directly here. Chris said he was told the shipment had been intercepted, but he was not sure where it was. In a final check with Chris this evening, he said he had inquired again and was assured the glass would be here Thursday. Depending upon what time the glass arrives on Thursday, Chris believes he can get in all finished on that day. Today, he struggled with some inconsistencies in the drawings along with preparing and installing what framing components he could.

The plumber returned this morning and resumed work on the garage plumbing.

We even had some roofers show up for a short period of time today. They finished installation of the asphalt shingles on the garage roof vent and installed the roof mounted drain vents on the garage and sunroom. They did not finish the job however. They still have two ridge vents to install on the main house, re-install the finials and gutter leaf guards and cleanup.

Mike and Nate spent the day with us primarily preparing for the bricking by building and installing arches for the garage windows. Mike now says the bricking will not begin until next week.

Window Brick Arch Molds
Mike installing a window arch
All the brick moldings are in place
I told Mike that we had definitely decided to go with the wall mounted fireplace vent and added that Bobby (fireplace) had said he really did not care if the opening in the brick was made during the bricklaying or by them later. This seemed to surprise Mike.

We got a call from Michael (Overhead Door) around 3:45 pm saying his guy did stop by and took the measurements for the garage doors. Michael promised he would email the quote no later than 5:00 pm. We did not get it before 5:00 pm, but we did get it. The proposal looks OK. The style will be something like the follow except we will not have any windows.

We got the decanters we ordered for inspection. T has selected three designs that she wants on the bar.

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