Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Another Hot One

It was as hot and humid today as it was yesterday. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little cooler with a high of 86F. It will still be humid with no rain forecast.

The landscapers where here all day along with Mike and Nate. The slate people showed up to finish their work. The copper flashing on the east side of the main house was repaired and the broken slate on the east gable of the sunroom was replaced. This should finish the slate work. I will get a confirmation from Mike tomorrow.

The landscapers worked on the drain line tie-ins and started leveling the yard. I am not sure if they have finished with the drainage system or not. Bob II stopped by and said he talked with Mike about getting Chris (electrician) to run the power to the yard spots before they start the work on the walkways. Bob also said he was working on finding another source of the Old Monroe aggregate, but no solution yet. Bob also said a dump truck would be showing up with some rock for the garage apron approach. It did and now we could actually bring cars into the garage if it were not full of lumber and table saws. Mike said he would see about consolidating some of the lumber so that we could bring one or more of the cars inside. I told him that I would rather he spent his time installing the lumber than moving it around. Mike also said again that we have received more lumber than we needed and we would send some of it back and get a credit.

The yard has not been this flat since we started last August. T decided we did not want to try to salvage the Rosa Sharon. She did ask Bob II to put the Azaleas around in the front yard and to dig up the day lilies along the west fence line. The lilies were put into buckets and moved into the garage along with the other stuff around the Ash (bird bath, Mary statue, wheel barrow of bricks, etc.).

We seem to have one left over limestone window sill.

Chris did stop by and Mike said he discussed the power needed out in the yard. From what Mike said, I am not sure he has identified all the spots we need power. Subsequently, I left a message on Bob II phone suggesting he might want to actually stake out in the yard the exact locations he wants power to be available.

Mike and Nate finished the exterior cement board installation on the east side of the sunroom. Just a little more on the west side to complete.

I asked Mike if he talked with Bobby about getting another fireplace remote control and wall control panel. He said he did.

The really big show for the day was the unwrapping of the hot tub and starting the framing for the surrounding deck. It appears to be fitting just as expected.

Mike also said he talked with the masonry guys who would be installing the stone on the chimney breast. Mike has expressed some concerns about how all this would be finished around the fireplace. Apparently the masonry guys assured him that they have done this before and not to worry about it.

I got a call from Betsy (solar) that she and Josh would be here tomorrow morning. Today was cloudless. The power output again did not reach 6 kW. There is little doubt in my mind that 6 kW is the maximum we can expect from the system as it currently is configured.

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