The landscapers put the west Red Maple in today. They dug the trench for the wall along our east fence line, then packed up their stuff and departed mid-morning. Talking with Bob II, the plan is to start the water feature next Wednesday. Bob also told us that the cover plate for the sewer clean out needs to be the same size as the clean out line itself (6"). We went down to the local hardware salvage shop to see if they have any period correct cover plates. They did not. However, T did find a period correct door knob for the second floor door to our new south deck.
Frank and John returned to continue work on the AC units. By the end of the day, the unit for the third floor was operational. Even though it was a relatively cool day, it was hot in the attic. Next week is forecast to be much warmer. Not surprisingly, they may not be able to do much work on the second floor system next week.
Mike and Nate installed the decking on the west porch. They cleaned up the sunroom in anticipation for the masonry people to arrive either today or Saturday to install the stone on the chimney breast. They did not arrive today. Hopefully they will be here tomorrow. They also installed the TV pan on the chimney breast and the finale on the sunroom cupola.
Mike asked if we thought we needed another coat of paint on the exterior of the sunroom. He suggested we might want to consider another (third) coat, this time using a satin finish. The first and second coats were a flat finish. Later, I agreed we need to do this. She also decided not to paint the basement exterior door. Mike and I talked about the louver on the fan under the cupola. He agreed we might try a light spray paint to diminish the stark white color without potentially interfering with the movement of the louvers. T also approved having Mike ask Jerry to apply a brown paint to the aluminum louver on the sunroom air intake. T and I toured the sunroom today and we will talk with Mike about the painting when he returns.
East Fence Line Wall Trench |
TV Pan |
West Porch Deck |
We got an email from Betsy (solar). Yesterday, I sent an email to Eric telling him we were still waiting for them to respond to our repeated requests for support on our PV system. Eric responded last night saying that he would be meeting with Betsy and Josh on Friday morning. The note I got from Betsy said that Josh was evaluating our system performance "as we speak" although we never got any additional information. Betsy also responded to my inquiry about why we were charged for the bi-directional meter. She found an email from May of 2014 in which she said we would be responsible for this cost. She was correct. The contract did not stipulate this, but the email did. This email was a response to an email I sent asking for any "surprise" costs we might encounter. We still have not made the final payment due to the poor support and poor performance. If both of these do not improve, we will start filing complaints.
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