Saturday, July 25, 2015

Quiet Saturday...Unfortunately

The masonry people did not show up so there is nothing visually changed from yesterday.

We did get a call from Dane (solar). Dane is the President of the solar company. Eric (VP) appears to have passed the baton to Dane concerning our PV system issues. We had a nice talk during which Dane said all the "right" things. He was personally going to ensure the issues are addressed in a timely and professional manner. I told Dane that I heard the same thing from his predecessor, Eric, and Eric's predecessor, John, and John's predecessor, Betsy. Dane assured me things will be different this time. We discussed the issues. Dane said he believes the root cause of the low production is due to shade from the Silver Maple next to the garage. My response to Dane was the same as I gave to Betsy, who also wanted to blame shade for the low production (before she had even visited the site). I told Dane the facts do not appear to support this simple claim. I found it amazing (and told Dane so) that they still do not know how the 32 panels are divided between the two inverters. They have not found the wiring diagram supposedly generated by their own installation crew six weeks ago. I wonder if they even got all of the panels wired into the system? We will see what comes from this latest set of promises. I was blunt with Dane that, while I still have not made the final payment, my next course of action would be to file a complaint and seek arbitration.

We finally got our new security system activated today. We are abandoning the wired system the main house has had for the past couple of decades and going to a cellular wireless system. We are starting the transition with sensors in the new construction but only have a few of the sensors installed so far. We need to order more sensors for the main house. So far so good. Our wired system monitoring subscription expires at the end of August. We therefore need to have everything set up by then.

The third floor AC system that Frank and John finished yesterday is working. We downloaded an app to permit monitoring and setting thermostat setting online. Pretty slick.

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