Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017: Home Again

I've been out of town for a week. The garden seems to have fared pretty well although it is obvious that some "mischief" took place around the pond. All of the chess pieces are still here and only a couple were knocked over (wind). However, one of the two iris's in the stream between the upper and lower ponds had been physically moved to the upper pond. The pot of carnivorous plants I had in the stream had been totally emptied out. The accent light in the upper pond had been knocked out of its normal position. The iris in the lower pond was displaced and on its side. I cannot attribute any of this to "wind" action. The most perplexing is the iris being moved from the stream to the upper pond. Not a small plant! If not for this, I might think perhaps the ducks, which visited us last summer, had returned and were frolicking about.

The other iris in the stream has blossomed with deep purple (?) flowers. I hope the other one recovers.

I have a lot of weeding to do, but the okra and pepper plants I planted last week seem to still be alive. The rain gauge showed an accumulation of 1.5" over the past week. There was a severe storm warning in the area Friday morning, so most of that might have been collected over the past day or so.

Looking around the rest of the yard, the neighbor's pool is a nice green color. They appear to be out of town.

The foxglove behind the False Cyprus has bloomed nicely and the last two Asiatic lilies have bloomed.

The Irish and Scottish mosses I planted this spring are still alive and actually have some tiny flowers on them.

The hollyhocks by the east porch, the ones I thought would not survive due to their shaded environment, are doing well.

But not nearly as well as the ones on each end of T's rose bed. The east one, the one I started from seed, is actually blooming. The first to bloom. It is almost six feet tall.

Only one of the two carnations has survived.

The Virginia Sweetspire is blooming.

The Livingstone daisy is still looking OK, but has not spread much since I move it outside a couple weeks ago.

Interestingly, the leeks have sprouted seed pods...I think. I need to research these a bit.

Inside, the poinsettia looks OK, but is ready for a watering. The peace lily however looks critical. Hopefully it will recover.

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