Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017: Pruning, fertilizing, snakes, Snapshot

Today is the six month anniversary of T's passing. I miss her so much.

It is a bright, cool Spring day. I deadheading dozens and dozens of spent rose blooms.

I pruned back the Azaleas in the front yard. I cut out the dead branches of the Sky Pencil holy in the front yard. I cut out the dead branches on both the Dogwoods in the front yard.

The hollyhock on the east end of the rose bed is getting so tall, with so many blooms, it cannot support its own weight and is falling across the walkway. I staked it to hold it upright.

I also fertilized all the Azaleas (front and back), the Junipers and the three holy in the back yard. I did not fertilize the Sky Pencil in front. I bought an eight pound bag of the fertilizer and used it all.

Not sure if the fertilizer will help the three or four sad-looking Azaleas in the back, but, I cannot hurt them either.

Finally, I noticed a 1" diameter hole right beside one of the hollyhocks along the west fence line. I don't know if this is T's garter snake or not, but let's hope so. The story of T's garter snake is, back in the fall of 2015, when the landscaper was working in the back, they came across a 2' long garter snake. These big beefy guys went berserk and were going to beat it to death with a shovel. T was out there and scolded them. She went over and picked up the snake. The landscaping guys were humiliated. T put the snake out in the new Azalea bed in the front yard, but we never saw it again. Maybe I have found its new home. T would be so happy.

Update on peace lily. I thought I might have killed it when it did not get watered over the past week. It appears it is going to recover.

Finally, I applied another dose of Snapshot to the mulched and raised beds. This is the germination preventer.

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